Clearing Beads

Clearing Beads
Ho'oponopono cleaning tool for erasing old replaying memories with the 4 key mantra phrases: I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You

NEW Clearing and Cleaning Tools for You

It came to me in an inspired moment to create these tools originally for my own use and as a constant reminder to continuously clear the memories and return to the void. The thought which followed after sharing several of them with friends, was that perhaps others may find them of great benefit also. And so now they are avaialbe to the world. I will be listing them on eBay and on this blog (as soon as I figure out how to actually do that) and on my websites also. Stay tuned! I love you. Thank you. Please forgive me. I'm sorry.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I loved the idea of living life with zero limits, with anything and EVERYTHING being possible for every person! I recently discovered a book by Joe Vitale & Dr.Hew Len called exactly that...Zero Limits.

Amazingly enough this very book was recommended to me by a good friend a day after I downloaded the audio I know that everything happens for a reason and that messages come in all shapes and forms, I felt compelled to start listening immediately as this seemed to be a rather strong impulse from the universe. The book was about a fascinating Hawaiian technique called Ho'oponopono. Fun to say and magical to use! Since discovering the Secret over a year ago, I've been implementing tools and strategies to live my highest life and this one has really spoken to me. I've been blessed to discover so many wonderful teachers who have shared their amazing knowledge with the world. I intend mentioning every one of them in this blog, so I too can share the joy, wonder and magic they have all brought into my life.

Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono is a Hawaiian problem solving process to
release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives.When we are
willing to take responsibility and let go, what is right and perfect unfolds.
The Ho’oponopono process provides “a step by step approach to achieving Peace,
Balance and a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s
Self-I-dentity.”Founded by Kahuna Lapa au, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, The
Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos
is a non-profit corporation that
conducts Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono classes in the USA, Canada, Europe
and Asia.

The process involves "cleaning", stating that is the only way to release past memories so we are free to receive inspiration to create and live the life we are wanting to live. Every thought comes from memory or inspiration and only when we are creating through inspiration are we free to move towards what we want. OK, so this is only my feeble attempt to explain what is an earth moving concept. I encourage you to visit the website. The most important tool this process offers is a process of cleaning our memory by using 4 simple phrases "I love you. I'm Sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." Stating these words to yourself or out loud....all day long if you wish.....while focusing on the person, problem, or situation you are wanting to experience differently is a ver powerful cleaning tool. You are not actually saying this to anyone in fact you are speaking only to yourself. But these freeing phrases will restore peace to your world and your mind very quickly, and every time. Because we are erasing these past memories, we return to a peaceful place inside ourselves and the divine inspiration has an open channel in which to speak to us. An impulse to move in the perfect direction will come, and the situation or problem will be resolved. Or you will move forward swiftly and with ease towards your intended desire.

After playing with this technique during problem times in my own life, I found the feeling of peace was indeed successfully restored to me, and solutions just seemed to arrive out of nowhere. It has been an incredible blessing. I felt compelled to create my own cleaning and clearing tools....Dr. Hew Len mentioned a few...such as eating cleaning foods such as CHOCOLATE!!! I love that one!...also using "Blue Solar Water" this is created by filling a blue glass bottle with water, corking the top or wrapping plastic over the top and then placing it in the sun for at least an hour. It becomes a powerful cleaning and memory erasing tool to use simply by the dropful in your drinking water, bathing water, tea or could add a few drops to everything you use or consume. Another which inspired my creative side were the magic eraser tools and sea glass cleaning reminders. Using a pencil with an eraser tap the eraser end on anything that need your attention, all the while focussing on releasgint he situation and using the cleaning phrases: I love, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. Because I love all things attractive and and I enjoy having enticing little reminders surrounding me everywhere I go, I find these to be a wonderful little tools. You can find them available to purchase on my blog and website and also on eBay. Have fun with them and use them whenever you will be amazed by the results. And read the book Zero Limits....and explore the Ho'oponopono website for far more info than I can go into here. Let me know how they worked out for you! Wishing you blessings and success!

Cover of book ZERO LIMITS

Cover of book ZERO LIMITS
by Dr. Joe Vitale & Dr. Hew Len

Joe Vitale- Ho'oponopono